Sikh Blogger? What You Think?
I just recently hired a programmer to write a software which will enable a service provider to provide free wordpress blogs to its users. I am currently building a Bussiness blogging solution website. Its suppose to be launch in July.
Anyways If you dont know what is wordpress well it is like a way advance version of You can do so much of things with wordpress blogs compared to a blogger blog. My New Art of Speaking blog is using wordpress platform.
I was thinking since in SikhiWiki listed over 200 plus bloggers and many more are not listed yet. Which means there is a huge group of sikh based blogs isn't it? Using this software I can create a service something like blogger for the sikh bloggers out there. How cool is that?
I'll call it Sikh Blogger
Ha ha interesting concept isnt it. So what is Sikh Blogger? Its a service that provides you with free wordpress blogs. And I will also help you to transfer your blog from blogger to sikh blogger. All of this will absolutely free! You will also get cool custom made themes that reflect your sikhi pride and really awesome plugins that make your blog do alsmost magically stuff.
I was thinking since in SikhiWiki listed over 200 plus bloggers and many more are not listed yet. Which means there is a huge group of sikh based blogs isn't it? Using this software I can create a service something like blogger for the sikh bloggers out there. How cool is that?
I'll call it Sikh Blogger
Ha ha interesting concept isnt it. So what is Sikh Blogger? Its a service that provides you with free wordpress blogs. And I will also help you to transfer your blog from blogger to sikh blogger. All of this will absolutely free! You will also get cool custom made themes that reflect your sikhi pride and really awesome plugins that make your blog do alsmost magically stuff.
So just imagine your blog having the URL or address of
and so on ....
If everything works fine with my paid site, which a programmer is helping me develop soon maybe end of this year you can enjoy blogging at Sikh Blogger. Tell me what you think of this idea and should I do it?
Related topic
Sikh Blogger Update 19/03/07
Labels: sikh, sikh blogger, wordpress multiuser
March 19, 2007 at 8:59:00 AM GMT+8
Hey good idea Jag! Hope to see it materialize soon! Good luck...
March 19, 2007 at 9:57:00 PM GMT+8
Thanks DP, looks like this is very much possible. In november, it will go live.